A highway view of the facade of the California Hotel, with its trees out front and sign across the top, features this iconic building in Oakland in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana
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45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now

Welcome to the Golden State of linguistic delights with 45 California sayings to get stoked about –  right now! While some have been around for years and others are fairly new, the words blend seamlessly in the West Coast lexicon.

Having called California home since 2003, I’ve picked up a saying or two – in this case, forty-five sayings – living in this beautiful state. While I am not a native, many of my friends are, and honestly, this is how most of them talk… and I love it!

Plus, if you’re in Sacramento like me, there’s a special treat – the last nine gems in this list are as solid as the gold paint on the Tower Bridge!

Are you ready? Bust out your hiking shoes and let’s climb this hill of California lingo together! 🌴🤙

45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now

1. Amped

Excited or pumped up. “I’m so amped for the show at the Fillmore tonight, it’s gonna be awesome.”

2. Bail

To leave abruptly or cancel plans. “Dude, I have to bail on dinner tonight, something came up.”

An historic cable car for the San Francisco Municipal Railway announces "Skate in Union Square" in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

3. Bomb

Excellent or outstanding, also The Bomb. “That burrito was bomb! I could totally eat another one.”

4. Bounce

Similar to bail, but with a bit more energy, often indicating leaving quickly. “We better bounce if we want to catch the sunset at the beach.”

5. Bro, brah, bruh

Different ways to say the same term for camaraderie between friends, typically males. “What’s up, bro? Ready to head out?” “Yeah, brah, let’s go.”

A red and cream-colored sticker in the shape of the state of California stuck to an electrical pole reads "Good Times" in this close-up photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

6. Deep

Profound or meaningful. “That conversation got pretty deep, but it was good to talk about it.”

7. Dope

Another term for cool or awesome. “Your new haircut looks dope!”

8. Down

Willing or enthusiastic about something. “Are you down for tacos?” “Absolutely!”

9. Dude

A versatile term often used to address someone casually or express excitement. “Dude, did you see the Malossi kit on his Lambretta?”

10. For real

An expression of sincerity or confirmation. “For real, I’m super stoked we’re going on this road trip.”

A small farmside stand reading "Flood Plain Produce" with a smaller sign offering blackberry popsicles sits on a grassy plot in Scotia, California in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

11. For sure

A confirmation or agreement, similar to definitely or absolutely. “Are you coming to the Republic game tonight?” “For sure, wouldn’t miss it!”

12. Gnarly

Extreme or intense, often used to describe waves or situations. “Did you see that wipeout? It was gnarly!”

13. Grom

A young or inexperienced surfer, typically a kid. “That grom is getting better every time I see him out on the waves.”

14. Hecka

Similar to Hella, but a slightly less intense, PG-13 version. “I’m hecka tired after that hike to Mori Point, but it was worth it.”

15. Heavy

Intense or emotionally impactful. “My girlfriend keeps getting all heavy. I love her but I want to keep it light.”

A colorful Pickleball paddle with the California Republic flag, featuring a bear and a red star, sits in a basket next to other sports equipment in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

16. Hella

A lot or very much, often used for emphasis. “It’s hella crowded at Amoeba, let’s come back later.”

17. Hot as Balls

Used to describe extremely hot weather. “Dude! Have you been outside? It’s hot as balls!”

18. Holla

Slang for calling out or getting someone’s attention. “If you need anything, just holla, I’ll be right over.”

19. Holla back

Similar to holla, but used to reply. “Dude, I got you, holla back if you need me.”

20. Hollon

A term mostly used when texting, a loose way to tell someone to hold on. “Hollon, let me grab my jacket.”

A salt-and-sea weathered sign announcing the Pacifica Library with waves carved into it posts up in front of a green shrub on a sunny day with clear skies in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

21. Kicks

Stylish shoes, typically sneakers or athletic types. “Those Vans are rad, dude, sweet kicks.”

22. Kick some down

To share something, to pass along extra. “If my cat’s looking for kibble, can you kick some down to her while I’m gone?”

23. Legit

Short for legitimate, meaning something genuine or authentic. “His coding skills are legit, he’s been doing it since he was a kid.”

24. Like

A filler word used in conversation, similar to “um” or “uh,” or as a way to emphasize a point. “He was like, ‘Let’s go surfing,’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, totally!'”

25. No yeah

Contrary to what might be expected; a way of disagreeing or expressing disbelief. “No yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the party tonight.”

A hand painted mural in black, white, blue and red showcases the community and Farmers Market of Santa Cruz, CA in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

26. NorCal

Slang for Northern California, encompassing areas like the Bay Area and beyond. “I’m heading up to NorCal this weekend to catch some waves in Santa Cruz.”

28. Pretty Stoney

Used to describe something relaxed, mellow, or chill. “That beach bonfire was pretty stoney, just sitting there watching the waves.”

27. Pumped

To be excited or enthusiastic about something. “I’m totally pumped about the camping scooter rally in Eureka!”

29. Rad

Short for radical, meaning excellent or impressive. “Her artwork is so rad, I could stare at it for hours.”

30. Rock

To wear or sport something. “She rocks that macrame dress she got at the boutique in Monterey.”

A colorful roadside sign in front of a Spanish-style building advertises fresh lobster and seafood near the Port of Los Angeles in Long Beach in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

31. Scoop or scoop by

To pick someone up or give them a ride. “Can you scoop by me on your way to get coffee?”

32. Sick

Cool or awesome. “That new skate park is sick, let’s check it out.”

33. Sketchy

Suspicious or untrustworthy. “She moved to a new place and the area is kind of sketchy.”

34. SoCal

Short for Southern California, representing places like Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County. “The weather in SoCal is always perfect for a beach day.”

35. Stoked

Excited or thrilled about something. “I’m stoked we’re going to Half Moon Bay, it’s gonna be epic.”

A green and white highway sign announcing 12 miles to Half Moon Bay, 60 miles to Santa Cruz, and 78 miles to Watsonville nestles between Highway 1 and tall forest trees in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

36. Swag

Extra items, sometimes provided as part of a promotional event. “Dude, check out this rad Stüssy swag I picked up at Fog Fest!”

37. Delta Breeze

Refers to the cooling breeze that comes off the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and provides relief from hot temperatures in the Sacramento Valley. “You feel that Delta Breeze ripping?” “Heck yes!”

An aerial view of the winding Sacramento river thorough green fields of agriculture and brown fields of hay and soil in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

38. Janky

A hybrid of the words junky and skanky, janky in Sacramento means original, unique, or eclectic. “Can you get me one of those classic ‘Keep Midtown Janky’ bumper stickers?”

39. Old Sac

Short for Old Sacramento, a historic district in Sacramento, with storefronts reminiscent of the gold mining days and the Wild West. “Let’s head over to Old Sac and hit up Candy Heaven.”

40. Placer

Pronounced /plah-sir/, short for Placer County, a conservative county in Northern California known for its scenic beauty. “We’re heading up for dinner at The Smith Flat House in Placer.”

Several vintage and modern Vespa and Lambretta motor scooters park next to each other, lined up in front of a black building with a colorful mural reading, "Sacramento" in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

41. The Claw

A large, shovel-scoop-like tractor that works the streets in The City of Trees during the Fall. “Bob’s Lincoln Continental was parked in the street and got nicked by The Claw!”

42. The Delta

The area surrounding the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta region in Northern California. “We’re planning a vintage scooter ride along the Delta.”

43. The Grid

Refers to the street grid system in cities like Sacramento, characterized by numbered and lettered streets. “Navigating the grid is easy once you get the hang of it.”

A vintage Vespa scooter parked on the sidewalk outside of the Oak Park post office in Sacramento, on a sunny day in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

44. The Sierras

Short for the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California. “Dude! Let’s snowboard in the Sierras next weekend!”

45. West Sac

Slang for West Sacramento, a city in Yolo County, California, located across the Sacramento River from downtown Sacramento. “Have you been to the IKEA in West Sac?”

A light blue, 1969 Lambretta motor scooter sits on a sidewalk with the yellow Tower Bridge in the background behind it, on a sunny day in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

Wrap Up

So there you have it! Did you recognize any of these 45 California sayings to get stoked about right now? Did you laugh at the legendary phrases, or pick up a few new ones to sprinkle into your conversation?

The Golden Gate bridge as seen from a dashboard, with the supports leading up to a bridge tower in infamous red-orange on a foggy day in this photo for 45 California Sayings to Get Stoked About Right Now, photo © Kate Dana

Whether you’re ready to brew up some bomb kombucha or kick down some Diamond nuts to the squirrels, these words are your passport to the Golden State.

Are you feeling inspired? Why not come and experience it all firsthand? From the stunning coastlines to the bustling cities, it’s always a great time to visit California.

So schedule some vacay, pack your bags, and prepare to make some pretty stoney memories! 🌞✌️

Some of My Favorite Companies to use for Travel Planning

Here are some of my favorite companies where you can find information, score great deals, and take the stress out of travel planning. These are affiliate links, which means that if you take action on a link, such as book accommodations, rent a car, or buy products through the link posted, I will earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you!

  • Book the best flight! CheapOair.com has great flights and is easy to use
  • Enjoy your stay! Booking.com offers great deals on BnBs, hotels, houses, and single-room stays, from Eureka to San Diego!
  • Don’t be hostile! Book a hostel. HostelWorld.com offers a great alternative to hotels worldwide. You can even stay in hostel lighthouses near Pescadero!
  • Find unique things to do and see! Use Viator or Get Your Guide for the best tours and experiences – California has tons of fun things to do and see!
  • Lounge in style! Priority Pass offers a membership with access to over 1,400 VIP lounges, including my favorite California airports, SAN, SFO, and SAN!

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