email me
Curious about Colombia? Wondering how to deal with the wild weather in California? Send me an email at hola at cocameca dot com.
Be sure to write this like you would a regular email address, with the arroba @. (The email is written as text to confuse bots and crawlers.)
While I may not reply to every message, your chances are better if you:
- Greet me by my name. Many people think my name is Cocameca. It’s not! LOL it’s Kate Dana.
- Be Sweet! Send a compliment, love note, or encouraging word. Blogging, like most passion projects, is hard sometimes. We could all use a little boost!
- Write a clever subject line such as “baile Champeta” or “¡Vamos Sac Republic!”
good vibes only
🐝 Bee positive! Find the good in everything, everywhere you go.
- Write to me as admin/editor/ owner or send sales pitches or spam for social media – these emails are deleted.
- Ask about ‘guest posts’ or collaborations, or to advertise a product or service. I’m currently not doing any of these.
- Request the inclusion of links outside of my affiliate programs.
💖 DO
- Let me know if a link is broken or if you spot a typo! The blogger and proofreader in me appreciate it.
- Ask about a specific location if it’s not mentioned in the photo or blog post. I’m here to help and would love to provide this info!
- Share my website with anyone you think may enjoy it. Sharing is caring!