The journey is the destination! As an experienced traveler passionate about places in Mexico, South America, and the United States, I’m thrilled to be with you wherever you’re heading next, whether it’s one of these places or another destination. Grab your carry-on and ¡vamanos! let’s go!
¿A donde quieres ir? Where do you want to go?
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur
How To Make the Most of Your First Visit to Cabo
Mérida, Yucatán
Your Ultimate First-Time Visit Guide to Mérida, México
South America
Charleston and Cartagena: The Similarities of Two Spectacular Cities
How to Spend the Day in Enchanting Usiacurí, Colombia
You’ll Love These 14 Fantastic Places in Barranquilla, Colombia
United States
The Best Places to Celebrate Colombian Independence Day in California
Your Alternative 3-day Guide to the Monterey Peninsula, California
Santa Maria Valley: The Best 3-Day Weekend Getaway Guide
4-Day Solo Getaway Guide to Santa Cruz, CA
Explore Atlanta Like a Local: Insider Tips for Adventurous Travelers
7 Places to Find Unique Souvenirs on Oahu
How To Make the Most of Your First Flight On Hawaiian Airlines